Aims & Objects

1.         Bhagwan Parshuram is the sixth incarnation of Shri Vishnu Bhagwan Ji.
            Parshuram Pariwar celebrates Parshuram Jyanti every year since 01-11-1981.
2.       Teaching of Sanskrit from Primary to all classes. Medium of instruction is Sanskrit for all other subjects from Secondary Classes.
3.       Study of Vedas and the research work as available in Germany, America and other countries.
4.         Preservation of Hindu Culture and civilization.
5.         Study of Astrology.
6.         Protection of Cows, and Ganga River.
7.         Spread of Massage of Shree Madh Bhagwat Geeta.
8.         Social work for the welfare of economically weaker section of the society.
9.        To work for the welfare of the world Fraternity through international understanding.

1.         To provide scholarship to the brilliant Sanskrit Student at all level of education.
2.         To provide monetary help to the Students of weaker section of the society.
3.         To provide Health - Services to the economically weaker people.
4.         To assist the daughters of the poor people in the marriage celebration.
5.         To educate the people on global warning.
6.         Creating friendly environment.
7.        Prayers for the Protection of the "EARTH" from Solar Sunami - Starting from the 1st August 2010 to August 2012 and now from any natural disastrous.
8.         Awareness of Population Problem.
9.         Research on the life of Bhagwan Parshuram.

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